Services Index
City Cleanup (Annual)
Clean-Up Week Held First Full Week of May
The City of Rensselaer holds an annual "Clean-Up Week" every year in May. Your normal trash pick up day is the day for your clean-up. You will not be allowed any free pick-ups after your regular trash day. If you have any questions on the procedures or a question on the items that are not allowed to be placed for trash clean up contact the Street Department at (219) 866-7833. The following is a list of items that city crews WILL NOT pick up at any time, including clean-up week:
- General Contractor Materials
- Propane Tanks or any type of Fuel Tanks
- Oil of any type
- Red or Pink Garbage Bags
The City will pick up appliances and tires at a fee. All appliances (including AC units) are $10.00 per appliance and tires will be billed as follows:
- Car Tires: $10.00
- Large Tires: $15.00
- Tractor Tires: $25.00
Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact .