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The History of the City of Rensselaer Park Board and Parks Department
The Rensselaer Park Board was organized by the City of Rensselaer in 1935. Prior to this period, our park system was operated by the City of Rensselaer.
The Parks system was administered by a six (6) member board appointed by the Mayor with approval of the City Council. These appointees serve without pay in the interest of sustaining a better community.
In 1970, the Park Board was authorized by the City Council of Rensselaer to organize a non-profit corporation for governing the Parks. This organization is the Rensselaer Community Recreational Development Corporation. It was composed of the six (6) members of the Park Board, one (1) representative from the City Council and two (2) from the Rensselaer Central School Corporation District. In June of 1971, the Corporation entered into an agreement with the City of Rensselaer to lease the areas utilized as parks for the consideration of one (1) dollar. The goals of the corporation were to collect fees, contributions, memorials, etc and to retain such funds until accumulation of monies were adequate for further planning and developlment. From 1970 to 1984, the LaRue Trust donated over $58,000.00 to our Park system. The latest funds were dedicated to Imagination City, which updated the Park's playground equipment. Since being established, the Corporation has total disbursements of well over $650,000.00 dollars to assist and further develop our parks for the future.
The Recreation Development Corporation was restructured on two (2) occassions, the latest being in 1982 under the Indiana Home Rule Act. The ParkBoard was to contain five (5) members, transferring the City Council representative to the Corporation and increasing the School Corporation representation to three (3) people.
Since 1948 the Park system has operated a swimming pool with the revenue and donations being retained by the Park. During the spring of 1970, the Park Board began the renovation plan for a larger pool at an estimated cost of $57,000.00 dollars. The renovation included a new 35'x35' wading pool and a large new deck area. Also included was a new pool bottom and a closed inlet system with new pipes and plumbing. This renovation was financed by a loan from the Farmers and Merchants Bank in the City of Rensselaer.
The future of the Rensselaer Parks System depends upon the interest and dedication of the community. Rensselaer's elected officials, the Park Board and the Corporation will continue to make our parks more attractive and useful in the future. Anyone interested in providing a safe, environmentally friendly park system for future citizens should make a concentrated effort to assist in our park's development. Many generous citizens have provided guidance, donations, memorials and an adequate budget to support one of our biggest assets, our parks.