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The City of Rensselaer's work day begins officially at 7:30AM to 4:00PM - Monday through Friday. This is a general rule. Some departments have a different working schedule due to the area of responsibility or due to seasonal dates.

If you desire attention to a utility problem or concern, we suggest you call the particular utility during normal working hours. Their numbers are as follows:

Utility Telephone Number

Gas Department 219.866.5206
Street Department 219.866.7833
Sewage Department 219.866.5530
Water Department 219.866.5530
Electric Department 219.866.8475
City Hall Utility Office 219.866.7884
Building Department (Building / Zoning 219.866.2311
There is always a contactable person at our Police dispatch office. The phone number at this office is (219) 866-7602. It is listed as the Police Department Administration number.
In cases that relate to other city-oriented problems and are on an emergency basis, call 911.